Cleanse Materials

Cleanse Materials

Welcome to your Mind, Body + Spirit Cleanse!

The videos are linked in the description of each video below.

I recommend you watch them before starting your cleanse + write down your questions as they come up. Send me a message through the Voxer app with your doubts so you can feel clear going into your experience.



Mind, Body + Spirit Reset

Mind, Body + Spirit Reset

Mantra Meditations

If you are new to meditation, I recommend downloading the Insight Timer app and picking different meditations to listen to depending on how much time you have.

If you are ready for a new tool, I recommend mantra meditation to help you slip into the gap between your thoughts.

Pick an energy center each day of the cleanse and sit in silence mentally repeating the sound associated to the energy center you are wanting to focus on.

For a more detailed explanation on the energy centers and mantra meditation, watch this video.

  • LAM

  • VAM

  • RAM

  • KAM

  • HAM


  • OM


Wash the dal and rice together and rinse 2-3 times.

Heat the ghee and mustard seeds in a large saucepan on medium heat until the seeds pop. Add remaining spices and cook briefly.

Add water before the spices burn, then add the rice, dal and salt.

Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes uncovered.

Cover and simmer until both dal and rise are soft (about half an hour) adding additional water if needed.


2-4 cups fresh vegetables of choice, bite size pieces

1/2 tsp ghee

1tsp each mustard seeds, cumin seeds, turmeric, ground coriander or fennel or Banyan Spice Mix

Fresh ginger, chopped or grated

Kitchari Recipie

Balancing to all doshas & easy to digest.

Cooking Video Instructions


1/4 cup yellow mung dal

1/2 cup of white basmati rice or quinoa

1 tsp ghee or oil

1/4 tsp each mustard seeds, cumin seeds, ground cumin, ground coriander, ground turmeric or Banyan Spice Mix (premixed herbs)

Fresh ginger root

2 cups water

Chopped fresh cilantro to top

Lemon or lime

Recipe for vegetables:

Heat ghee in a skillet over medium heat.

Add mustard seeds until they pop and then add additional spices

Add vegetables and add 1/2-1 cup water and simmer until vegetables are done.

Journal Prompts

Pick out a journal to track the emotional processing side of your cleansing experience.

These prompts are created to help you move the emotional energy along to release anything that the body is holding on to.

Read the affirmations for each energy center and contemplate the words throughout the day. Notice what comes up.

In the evening, complete the journal prompts. There is one for each day of the mono diet.

Notice which emotions come up most for you during the cleanse. This is your opportunity to process + digest them.

  • To heal our relationship to our bodies is to heal our relationship with the earth. To regain our ground is to regain our aliveness, and the foundation of all that follows.

    Think of a place in nature where you feel the most calm. Write down things you observe about this space using your five senses. What colors do you see? What shapes are the leaves? Describe the smells, the temperature, the sounds, and if there are any tastes associated with this place.

    Then write down three adjectives that you would use to describe this space and how it makes you feel.

    Write those adjectives down and as you go to bed tonight, drift off to sleep repeating those words back to yourself. Example, I am peaceful, I am beautiful, I am calm.

  • I have the right to feel what I feel.

    I allow myself to follow my dreams. I deserve pleasure and goodness in my life. I go with the flow.

    Observe where your creativity flows I your life. Creativity is our own space for moving, thinking and feeling without a playbook or instructions. Cooking, dancing, moving your body, creating art in any form, writing, the possibilities for being creative are endless. What is your current creative outlet? Are you comfortable expressing your creativity? How can you add more creativity into your life?

  • I stand firm in me personal power as a shining example for others. I am certain of my wants, needs + desires.

    What are things about you that make you unique? Connect to your sense of individuality and write down those qualities down. Practice saying them back to yourself in the mirror or to someone you feel safe with. What comes up for you?

    Observe and record what you find.

  • I am loved and lovable.

    I forgive and I am forgiven.

    Forgiving is a powerful tool for opening your heart energy. Forgiving yourself or others. This is your opportunity to go deep remembering that forgiving is not about doing the other person a favor. Write down three situations you want to release resentment, guilt, shame, blame or grief from.

    Notice what comes up during this cleanse and be open to receiving surprises and new insight.

  • I can easily speak my inner truth.

    Write a letter to someone telling them how you really feel about something that you have avoiding or pushing to the side. Let it all out.

    Notice how you feel writing it down and letting it out. Try reading it out loud to someone you feel safe with. How does it feel to be congruent with your emotions and your words?

  • Allow yourself to day dream.

    Write me a letter dated one year from now catching me up to all of the ways life has magically aligned itself for you. Think about the following areas: finances, love, family, health, sleep, work, personal development, friends, trips.

    The sky is the limit.

  • I trust the God + the Universe are always conspiring in my favor.

    Do you believe that affirmation? What area of your life do you feel like you doubt it? Write down your worries + doubts and practice surrendering them to the Universe and God.

    You cannot control every detail of everything in your life and the lives of the people you love. Feel good releasing those worries from a place of trust.