Meet Maria José.
Meztli Living is the company I feel I was always destined to create. It was founded from the experiences of my own healing journey that profoundly changed my life for the better and I believe it can do the same for you.
Welcome to the platform that welcomes everyone with the inclination to grow through you own a personalized mindfulness journey that is fully accessible for your individual needs.
Using the practices of meditation, yoga and Ayurveda I have created a tangible platform for self growth over the past ten years which has given me the tools to create a personal plan for each one of my clients that can be applied through Life + Ayurvedic Coaching.
I began on my personal healing journey as a child while reading Deepak Chopra’s “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success,” yet I had no idea what I was in store for at the time.
Through my college years I picked up the physical practice of yoga and began to notice differences in the fluctuations of my thoughts on the days that I was getting on my mat. I eventually realized how much anxiety I was living with on a daily basis and how that anxiety was consuming my life so I sought out counseling on campus. Although my therapy visits made me feel better, I still felt heavy in my heart and often found that I could not always apply the tools my therapist was giving me because of this constant pressure of deep set anxiety.
In 2015 I decided to pursue a yoga teacher training certification while working in the marketing world of pediatric home health care to help further my yoga practice as I often worried I was not flexible enough to attain certain poses. Gradually elements that we were learning through this training started to tie back into my original introduction to yoga at age 12 while reading Dr. Chopra’s books and the puzzle started coming together for me.
I am now in a place of mental clarity and am able to tune into the signs my body is giving me to make changes when I begin to feel off balance. I view each day is an opportunity to practice self growth and put the teachings of yoga, meditation, pranayama and Ayurveda into play.
Now through my role as a mother I have learned so much by observing my son and applying these same teachings into his upbringing. I have found my passion in working with people to hold space for their personal growth while building a community of like minded people who are curious and wanting to learn more about themselves.
I am originally trained in international business and marketing, and working in corporate America for six years gave me a lot of insight into the amount of stress that most people live with on a day to day basis.
My role as a mother through the birth of my son Jens in 2016 has been my most significant training to date as I have to constantly embody the practices I teach while being present and letting go of control.
On a spiritual level I’ve completed the following trainings that have led me to the creation of Meztli Conscious living:
Chopra Center Meditation Coach
Reiki Level I + II
500 hour Ayurvedic Yoga
Healing Breath Certified
Ayurveda Body Therapist
Ayurvedic Health Coach
Ayurvedic Integrative Nutrition
Ayurvedic Life + Health Consultant
Activation Method Life Coach
Connected Kids Meditation Tutor
200 hour Ashtanga Yoga
I will continue to pursue furthering my knowledge in the field of mindfulness so follow along on social media to see what I’m up to.