Ayurvedic Cleanse
Mind, Body + Spirit Reset
Today’s society is focused on doing more in order to feel more productive. However the noise we create for ourselves only causes us to feel more anxious, stressed and overwhelmed. We all have a breaking point, and chances are that if you have this manual in your hand you are ready for change in your routine.
This reset is all getting your nervous system back to basics. Think of how newborns operate- they do best when they know what to expect. They get hungry every 3 or so hours after which they have a bowel movement, play for a little bit and then take another nap. Their little nervous systems know exactly what to expect, and the closer we can stick to their routine the more calm they are.
This is what we are trying to replicate for ourselves during this cleanse. Give our digestive system, lymphatic system, nervous system, immune system, respiratory system and circulatory system space to slow down. To ground and find its center.
Day 1 - 2: Pre Cleanse
In these initial three days we focus on getting comfortable with the routine. We create space for a morning routine and an evening routine that includes tongue scraping, lemon water consumption, self abhyanga (full body application of oil), movement (yoga or light walk for 20 minutes), pranayama (breathing exercise), guided meditation (5-10 minutes), shower with oil pulling, drinking a digestive support tea with meals, nighttime reflection/meditation, digestive herbs before bed, and being in bed by 10pm at the latest.
Each portion of the morning routine is meant to wake up a different system in your body in a gentle way. Remember this is a full mind, body + spirit reset - we want to give ourselves the space to nurture our nervous system and observe what arises.
The evening routine is built around slowing the body down slowly to ensure proper rest.
During this portion of the cleanse you will eat foods that are easy to digest. I will provide some recipes, but they are all vegetarian based meals.
Day 3 -9: Mono Diet + Cleanse
For seven days you will eat the same thing every day while we prepare your GI tract to flush out toxins. The meals consist of oatmeal/congee for breakfast + kitchari (basmati rice +mung beans) for lunch and dinner. You can add different spring vegetables to your kitchari to mix up the taste including carrots, sweet potatoes, avocado, potatoes.
Each morning you will consume melted ghee to oleate the GI tract and prepare it for the purgation on the 10th night. The amount of praise to ghee in Ayurveda is immeasurable. Ghee is revered because it is stable, cooling, deeply penetrating and anti-inflammatory. Ghee is used to carry nutrition into deep tissue, as well as to remove toxins from the deeper tissues. Used for this purpose, it allows toxins to be released and removed, not just ping-ponged around the body. It allows the gallbladder to flush and the bile ducts to be purified. This supports the liver in processing newly circulated toxins, and it forces the body into fat metabolism. This is how ghee lowers cholesterol as it removes it from the body.
At the end of the mono diet you will take 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil before bed. During the night/early morning, you will experience several loose motions and possibly some digestive pain. This is a sign your body is purging toxins.
Day 10: Post Cleanse
For one day post cleanse you will stay as close to the routine as closely as possible to slowly transition into eating normal foods. For one day you will eat foods similar to the pre cleanse foods - vegetarian based meals that are nourishing for your body.
Enjoy feeling rejuvenated!
What cost includes:
Ayurvedic cleanse kit mailed to you with: digestive herbs, digestive tea, abhyanga oil, triphala, castor oil.
Two live zoom calls (day 2 + day 8), Kapha Balancing Yoga class, Pranayama (breathing exercise videos), Inspiring Meditations + Visualizations, Kitchari cooking class, cleanse handbook, daily support from me and from fellow spring cleansers via Voxer (communication app).
What you will purchase:
Basmati rice (local grocery store)
Vegetables: Avocado, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cilantro, lime, lemon, watercress, beets (pick your favorites at your grocery store)
Fruit: Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, peaches
Pickled Ginger (local grocery store)
Dandelion Tea (if you typically drink coffee. Can be found at grocery store)
Dates (grocery store)
Group cleanse runs April 17 - 26th - Last day to reserve your spot is April 10th
You can start earlier or later if you have prior obligations, we can discuss options. However we want to start the cleanse before it gets consistently hot for the summer season.